SOLD OUT Nendoroid 2565 - Yato | Noragami [Good Smile Company] Love SGD 65.00 "Your wish has been heard loud and clear." View more
SOLD OUT Nendoroid 2485 - Hellish Blizzard | One Punch Man [Good Smile Company] Love SGD 60.00 "I'll kill you just enough to keep you alive." View more
SOLD OUT Nendoroid 2481 - Oz Vessalius | PandoraHearts [Good Smile Arts Shanghai] Love SGD 75.00 "I want to know what it is, this "sin" they say I've committed." View more
SOLD OUT Nendoroid 2482 - Xerxes Break | PandoraHearts [Good Smile Arts Shanghai] Love SGD 75.00 "I hate people saying irresponsible things like 'I did this for someone else's sake'." View more
SOLD OUT Nendoroid 2059 - Octane | Apex Legends [Good Smile Company] Love SGD 80.00 "I got the need for speed." View more
SOLD OUT Nendoroid 575 - Saitama [Reissue] | ONe Punch Man [Good Smile Company] Love SGD 60.00 View more
SOLD OUT Nendoroid 1159 - Garo (Super Movable Edition) | One Punch Man [Good Smile Company] Love SGD 65.00 View more