Nendoroid 1854 - Lavi [Reissue] | D.Gray-man [Orange Rouge] Love SGD 65.00 "A Bookman has no need for a heart." Add to Cart
Nendoroid 1809 - Yu Kanda [Reissue] | D.Gray-man [Orange Rouge] Love SGD 60.00 "Everyone dies... so long as they remain human." Add to Cart
Nendoroid 2695 - Kotaro Katsura | Gintama [Good Smile Company] Love SGD 68.00 "I'm not Zura, I'm Katsura." Add to Cart
Nendoroid 2735 - Lenalee Lee | D.Gray-man [Good Smile Company] Love SGD 70.00 "Welcome back." Add to Cart
Nendoroid 1614 - Allen Walker [Reissue] | D.Gray-man [Orange Rouge] Love SGD 55.00 "Bring salvation to this poor akuma's soul." Add to Cart
LAST PIECE Limited special offer Wei Wuxian (Yi Ling Lao Zu Ver.) | The Master of Diabolism [Good Smile Arts Shanghai] Love SGD 200.00 SGD 399.00 SALE-SGD 199.00 "Whether a thousand armies, a thousand horses or anything else, once you come to the other side I’ll command you under my banner!" Add to Cart
SOLD OUT Nendoroid 2514 - Hijikata Toshiro | Gintama [Good Smile Company] Love SGD 70.00 "There's not enough mayonnaise!" View more
SOLD OUT Nendoroid 2584 - Sogo Okita | Gintama [Good Smile Company] Love SGD 70.00 "Hijikata-san, it's dangerous." View more
SOLD OUT Nendoroid 2420 - Gintoki Sakata | Gintama [Good Smile Company] Love SGD 68.00 "Gya gya gya gya, would you shut up already. Are you in heat or something?" View more
SOLD OUT Nendoroid 2458 - Shinpachi Shimura | Gintama [Good Smile Company] Love SGD 68.00 "HEY YOU!" View more
SOLD OUT Nendoroid 2462 - Kagura | Gintama [Good Smile Company] Love SGD 68.00 "More please." View more
SOLD OUT Wei Wuxian & Lan Wangji (Buxianxian Ver.) w/bonus | The Master of Diabolism [Good Smile Arts Shanghai] Love SGD 820.00 The flowers illuminate the night like white jade. Tonight must be cherished. View more
SOLD OUT Nendoroid 1200 - L 2.0 [Reissue] | Death Note [Good Smile Company] Love SGD 80.00 "Justice will prevail no matter what." View more
SOLD OUT Nendoroid 1160 - Light Yagami 2.0 [Reissue] | Death Note [Good Smile Company] Love SGD 70.00 "I am God of this new world!" View more