LAST PIECE Limited special offer Nendoroid TinyTan (BTS) Full Set of 7 | TinyTAN [Good Smile Company] Love SGD 250.00 SGD 450.00 SALE-SGD 200.00 Let's DYNAMITE!! Add to Cart
LOW STOCK Limited special offer Nendoroid 1806 - V | TinyTAN [Good Smile Company] Love SGD 10.00 SGD 65.00 SALE-SGD 55.00 Precious Baby Bear Add to Cart
SOLD OUT Nendoroid 2481 - Oz Vessalius | PandoraHearts [Good Smile Arts Shanghai] Love SGD 75.00 "I want to know what it is, this "sin" they say I've committed." View more
SOLD OUT Nendoroid 2482 - Xerxes Break | PandoraHearts [Good Smile Arts Shanghai] Love SGD 75.00 "I hate people saying irresponsible things like 'I did this for someone else's sake'." View more
SOLD OUT Nendoroid 2291 - Yuuko Aioi: Keiichi Arawi Ver. | Nichijou [Good Smile Company] Love SGD 58.00 "Safe!" View more
SOLD OUT Nendoroid 2292 - Mio Naganohara: Keiichi Arawi Ver. | Nichijou [Good Smile Company] Love SGD 58.00 "I’ll buy it from you for 1000 yen!" View more
SOLD OUT Nendoroid 2293 - Minakami Mai: Keiichi Arawi Ver. | Nichijou [Good Smile Company] Love SGD 58.00 Always Mai-pace. View more
SOLD OUT SH MonsterArts - Tigrex | Monster Hunter [Bandai] Love SGD 180.00 The long-awaited monster, TIGREX is now finally available in S.H.MonsterArts series! View more
SOLD OUT Nendoroid 1878 - Elaina | Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina [Good Smile Company] Love SGD 125.00 "Who could this woman, so beautiful even the sun can't help but squint, possibly be? That's right, it's me!" View more
SOLD OUT Capcom Figure Builder Creator's Model - Black Dragon Fatalis | Monster Hunter [Capcom] Love SGD 600.00 View more