LAST PIECE Nendoroid 1997 - Fran | Reincarnated as a Sword [Good Smile Company] Love SGD 95.00 "Lend me your strength... Master!" Add to Cart
LAST PIECE Limited special offer Wei Wuxian (Yi Ling Lao Zu Ver.) | The Master of Diabolism [Good Smile Arts Shanghai] Love SGD 200.00 SGD 399.00 SALE-SGD 199.00 "Whether a thousand armies, a thousand horses or anything else, once you come to the other side I’ll command you under my banner!" Add to Cart
SOLD OUT Moderoid - Voltron | Defender of the Universe: Voltron [Good Smile Company] Love SGD 100.00 Let's go Voltron Force! MODEROID Voltron! View more
SOLD OUT Wei Wuxian & Lan Wangji (Buxianxian Ver.) w/bonus | The Master of Diabolism [Good Smile Arts Shanghai] Love SGD 820.00 The flowers illuminate the night like white jade. Tonight must be cherished. View more
SOLD OUT ROBO-DOU - Voltron | Defender of the Universe: Voltron [Threezero] Love SGD 400.00 Threezero’s engineers have worked effortlessly to re-create the classic mecha Voltron in a presentation never before seen! The ROBO-DOU Voltron is designed to achieve a wider range of articulation and better combining... View more
SOLD OUT Carbotix Series - Voltron (5Pro Studio X Blitzway Collaboration) | Defender of the Universe [5Pro Studio X Blitzway] Love SGD 899.00 "Ready to form Voltron!" View more